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Manor Park Green Spaces Public Art 2010-2012

Planit IE/Pennine Housing 2000

As lead artists on this project we were commissioned to devise and implement a comprehensive public art strategy, in collaboration with the appointed landscape architects, including a program of engagement and consultation.


As part of a wider program of improvements by Pennine Housing 2000, three new public parks were created from neglected green spaces in the Manor Park area of Sheffield. During the consultation we worked with local primary and secondary schools, community and resident groups, lunch clubs for the elderly, local shop keepers and social clubs, N.E.A.T. group and local historical group, running events and competitions, as well as an on-site residency.


Through these activities we were able to really raise the profile and awareness of the project and involve a lot of local residents in the decisions and designs for the proposed artworks and the new parks planned for the area. 


Over the duration of the project we developed proposals for approximately 30 separate items of permanent artworks across the three parks, which we were also commissioned to design and manage the production of. These were largely inspired by the rich history of the area, particularly from the Tudor period and were designed to be playful and robust. They included seating, signage and sculptural items.


We collaborated with a metalwork firm that carries out a lot of work locally, in order to keep a sense of consistency across the area. We also worked with a concrete specialist in Hull to create ambitious pre-cast sculptural items. Finally, we produced an interactive art trail leaflet for local distribution.


Collaborators: Chris Campbell (metalwork), Andy Sawyer (concrete specialist), Alec Moors (Graphics).


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