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Grown in Wisewood Public Art 2010-2012

Planit IE/Pennine Housing 2000

As lead artists on this project we were commissioned to devise and implement a comprehensive public art strategy, in collaboration with the appointed landscape architects, including a program of engagement and consultation.


As part of a wider program of improvements by Pennine Housing 2000, a number of mature street trees had to be removed in the Wisewood area of Sheffield. Through our involvement in the project we were able to save some of the timber from these trees and use it as our main source of materials in the design of a bespoke street furniture and public art scheme. The scheme included bespoke benches, notice boards, signage and sculptures.


During the consultation process we worked with local primary and secondary schools, community and resident groups, the church, walking groups, the wildlife trust and the local sports centre, running events and open workshops. Through these activities we were able to really raise the profile and awareness of the project and involve a lot of local residents in the decision-making and designs for the proposed artworks and the general improvements for the area.


We developed a design concept based on our consultation with the community and then worked with local craftspeople at Ecclesall Sawmill to produce the finished items.

Collaborators: Handspring Design (woodwork), Lorraine Botteril (woodcarving), Owen Cunningham (metalwork), Carl Glaves (landscape contractor), Alec Moors (Graphics).

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